from NADE import NADE ''' Probabilistic decoders as variational approximation for sampling ''' import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.contrib.eager as tfe from utils import gumbel_sigmoid_sample, gumbel_softmax_sample, sample_from_bernoulli, bernoulli_log_likelihood, tf_xavier_init from VAR_ENC import ENC_CONT class SBNPrior(): def __init__(self, dims, name, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False): self.dims = dims, = [], [] assert len(self.dims) > 1 if activation_fn == tf.nn.relu: const = 1.0 else: const = 4.0 for d1, d2, i in zip(dims[:-1], dims[1:], xrange(1, len(self.dims))): tfe.Variable( tf_xavier_init(d1, d2, const=const), name='dec.' + name + '.w.' + str(i))) tfe.Variable( tf.zeros([d2]), dtype=tf.float32, name='dec.' + name + '.b.' + str(i))) self.activation_fn = activation_fn self.temp = temp self.hard = hard def inference(self, z): h = z for w, b, i in zip(,, xrange(len( h = tf.matmul(h, w) + b if i == len( - 1: h = tf.nn.sigmoid(h) else: h = self.activation_fn(h) return h def sample(self, num_samples): z = sample_from_bernoulli( tf.constant( .5, shape=(num_samples, self.dims[0]), dtype=tf.float32)) h2 = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(self.inference(z), self.temp, self.hard) return h2 def logprobs_all(self, num_samples): z = sample_from_bernoulli( tf.constant( .5, shape=(num_samples, self.dims[0]), dtype=tf.float32)) mu = self.inference(z) h = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(mu, self.temp, self.hard) logp_z = bernoulli_log_likelihood( z, tf.constant(.5, shape=z.shape, dtype=tf.float32)) logp_h_given_z = bernoulli_log_likelihood(h, mu) return logp_z + logp_h_given_z, z, h # exact ll when dim_z is small def logprobs(self, h): assert (self.dims[0] <= 15) z_all = np.arange(2**self.dims[0], dtype=np.int32) z_all = ((z_all.reshape(-1, 1) & (2**np.arange(self.dims[0]))) != 0).astype(np.float32) z_all = tf.constant(z_all[:, ::-1], dtype=tf.float32) h_mu_all = self.inference(z_all) logp_z_all = bernoulli_log_likelihood( z_all, tf.constant( .5, shape=(2**self.dims[0], self.dims[0]), dtype=tf.float32)) logp_h_given_z_all = bernoulli_log_likelihood( tf.expand_dims(h, 1), tf.expand_dims(h_mu_all, 0)) logp_h = tf.reduce_logsumexp( tf.expand_dims(logp_z_all, 0) + logp_h_given_z_all, axis=1) return logp_h def params(self): return tuple( + class SBNDEC1(): def __init__(self, dim_zh2, dims_h2h1, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False, train_pi=True): self.prior_h2 = SBNPrior( dim_zh2, name='zh2', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) self.dec_h2h1 = DEC( dims_h2h1, name='h2h1', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) def get_h(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) return h2.numpy() # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_hard(h2) return h1.numpy() def get_v_mean(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.inference(h2) return h1.numpy() # for training def get_h1_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_soft(h2) return h2, h1 def log_prob(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) logp_h2 = self.prior_h2.logprobs(h2) logp_h1_given_h2, h1 = self.dec_h2h1.log_conditional_prob(h2) return logp_h2 + logp_h1_given_h2, h2, h1 def log_prob_all(self, num_samples): logp_z_and_h2, z, h2 = self.prior_h2.logprobs_all(num_samples) logp_h1_given_h2, h1 = self.dec_h2h1.log_conditional_prob(h2) return logp_z_and_h2 + logp_h1_given_h2, z, h2, h1 def params(self): return self.prior_h2.params() + self.dec_h2h1.params() class SBNDEC2(): def __init__(self, dim_zh2, dims_h2h1, dims_h1v, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False, train_pi=True): self.prior_h2 = SBNPrior( dim_zh2, name='zh2', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) self.dec_h2h1 = DEC( dims_h2h1, name='h2h1', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) self.dec_h1v = DEC( dims_h1v, name='h1v', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_hard(h2) v = self.dec_h1v.get_sample_hard(h1) return v.numpy() def get_v_mean(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_hard(h2) v = self.dec_h1v.inference(h1) return v.numpy() # for training def get_h2_h1_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_soft(h2) v = self.dec_h1v.get_sample_soft(h1) return h2, h1, v def log_prob(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) logp_h2 = self.prior_h2.logprobs(h2) logp_h1_given_h2, h1 = self.dec_h2h1.log_conditional_prob(h2) logp_v_given_h1, v = self.dec_h1v.log_conditional_prob(h1) return logp_v_given_h1 + logp_h1_given_h2 + logp_h2, h2, h1, v def log_prob_all(self, num_samples): logp_z_and_h2, z, h2 = self.prior_h2.logprobs_all(num_samples) logp_h1_given_h2, h1 = self.dec_h2h1.log_conditional_prob(h2) logp_v_given_h1, v = self.dec_h1v.log_conditional_prob(h1) return logp_v_given_h1 + logp_z_and_h2 + logp_h1_given_h2, z, h2, h1, v def params(self): return self.prior_h2.params() + self.dec_h1v.params( ) + self.dec_h2h1.params() class BNDEC(): def __init__(self, dims, name, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False): self.dims = dims, self.scales, self.shifts = [], [], [] if activation_fn == tf.nn.relu: const = 1.0 else: const = 4.0 assert len(self.dims) > 1 for d1, d2, i in zip(dims[:-1], dims[1:], xrange(1, len(self.dims))): tfe.Variable( tf_xavier_init(d1, d2, const=const), name='enc.' + name + '.w.' + str(i))) self.scales.append( tfe.Variable( tf.ones([d2]), dtype=tf.float32, name='enc.' + name + '.scale.' + str(i))) self.shifts.append( tfe.Variable( tf.zeros([d2]), dtype=tf.float32, name='enc.' + name + '.shift.' + str(i))) self.activation_fn = activation_fn self.temp = temp self.hard = hard def inference(self, x): h = x for w, sc, sh, i in zip(, self.scales, self.shifts, xrange(len( h = tf.matmul(h, w) mean, var = tf.nn.moments(h, axes=[0]) ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=0.5) def mean_var_with_update(): ema_apply_op = ema.apply([mean, var]) with tf.control_dependencies([ema_apply_op]): return tf.identity(mean), tf.identity(var) mean, var = mean_var_with_update() h = tf.nn.batch_normalization(h, mean, var, sh, sc, 0.001) if i == len( - 1: h = tf.nn.sigmoid(h) else: h = self.activation_fn(h) return h def log_conditional_prob(self, x): # E_{Q(h|x)} log Q(h|x) h_mu = self.inference(x) h = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(h_mu, self.temp, self.hard) logp_h_given_x = bernoulli_log_likelihood(h, h_mu) return logp_h_given_x, h def get_sample_hard(self, x): return sample_from_bernoulli(self.inference(x)) def get_sample_soft(self, x): return gumbel_sigmoid_sample(self.inference(x), self.temp, self.hard) def params(self): return tuple( + self.scales + self.shifts) class DEC(): def __init__(self, dims, name, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False): self.dims = dims, = [], [] if activation_fn == tf.nn.relu: const = 1.0 else: const = 4.0 assert len(self.dims) > 1 for d1, d2, i in zip(dims[:-1], dims[1:], xrange(1, len(self.dims))): tfe.Variable( tf_xavier_init(d1, d2, const=const), name='dec.' + name + '.w.' + str(i))) tfe.Variable( tf.zeros([d2]), dtype=tf.float32, name='dec.' + name + '.b.' + str(i))) self.activation_fn = activation_fn self.temp = temp self.hard = hard def inference(self, x): h = x for w, b, i in zip(,, xrange(len( h = tf.matmul(h, w) + b if i == len( - 1: h = tf.nn.sigmoid(h) else: h = self.activation_fn(h) return h def log_conditional_prob(self, x): # E_{Q(h|x)} log Q(h|x) h_mu = self.inference(x) h = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(h_mu, self.temp, self.hard) logp_h_given_x = bernoulli_log_likelihood(h, h_mu) return logp_h_given_x, h def log_conditional_prob_with_sampels(self, x, h): h_mu = self.inference(x) logp_h_given_x = bernoulli_log_likelihood(h, h_mu) return logp_h_given_x def get_sample_hard(self, x): return sample_from_bernoulli(self.inference(x)) def get_sample_soft(self, x): return gumbel_sigmoid_sample(self.inference(x), self.temp, self.hard) def params(self): return tuple( + class NADEDEC(): def __init__(self, dim_zh2, dims_h2h1, dims_h1v, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False, train_pi=True): self.prior_h2 = NADE(dim_zh2[1], dim_zh2[0], temp) self.dec_h2h1 = DEC( dims_h2h1, name='h2h1', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) self.dec_h1v = DEC( dims_h1v, name='h1v', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_hard(h2) v = self.dec_h1v.get_sample_hard(h1) return v.numpy() # for training def get_h2_h1_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_soft(h2) v = self.dec_h1v.get_sample_soft(h1) return h2, h1, v def log_prob(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) logp_h2 = self.prior_h2.logprobs(h2) logp_h1_given_h2, h1 = self.dec_h2h1.log_conditional_prob(h2) logp_v_given_h1, v = self.dec_h1v.log_conditional_prob(h1) return logp_v_given_h1 + logp_h1_given_h2 + logp_h2, h2, h1, v def params(self): return self.prior_h2.params() + self.dec_h1v.params( ) + self.dec_h2h1.params() class SBN(): def __init__(self, dim_z2h, dim_h2v, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False, has_h=True): self.dim_z2h = dim_z2h self.w_z2h, self.b_z2h = [], [] if activation_fn == tf.nn.relu: const = 1.0 else: const = 4.0 if has_h: assert len(self.dim_z2h) > 1 for d1, d2, i in zip(dim_z2h[:-1], dim_z2h[1:], xrange(1, len(self.dim_z2h))): self.w_z2h.append( tfe.Variable( tf_xavier_init(d1, d2, const=const), name='sbn.w_z2h.' + str(i))) self.b_z2h.append( tfe.Variable( tf.zeros([d2]), dtype=tf.float32, name='sbn.b_z2h.' + str(i))) self.dim_h2v = dim_h2v self.w_h2v, self.b_h2v = [], [] assert len(self.dim_h2v) > 1 for d1, d2, i in zip(dim_h2v[:-1], dim_h2v[1:], xrange(1, len(self.dim_h2v))): self.w_h2v.append( tfe.Variable( tf_xavier_init(d1, d2, const=const), name='sbn.w_h2v.' + str(i))) self.b_h2v.append( tfe.Variable( tf.zeros([d2]), dtype=tf.float32, name='sbn.b_h2v.' + str(i))) self.activation_fn = activation_fn self.temp = temp self.hard = hard self.has_h = has_h # Turning it false to train a 2 layer sbn for debugging, otherwise always true def z2h(self, z): h = z for w, b, i in zip(self.w_z2h, self.b_z2h, xrange(len(self.w_z2h))): h = tf.matmul(h, w) + b if i == len(self.w_z2h) - 1: h = tf.nn.sigmoid(h) else: h = self.activation_fn(h) return h def h2v(self, h): v = h for w, b, i in zip(self.w_h2v, self.b_h2v, xrange(len(self.w_h2v))): v = tf.matmul(v, w) + b if i == len(self.w_h2v) - 1: v = tf.nn.sigmoid(v) else: v = self.activation_fn(v) return v # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): z = sample_from_bernoulli( tf.constant( .5, shape=(num_samples, self.dim_z2h[0]), dtype=tf.float32)) h = sample_from_bernoulli(self.z2h(z)) v = sample_from_bernoulli(self.h2v(h)) return v.numpy() # only for debugging, get_samples from 2 layer sbn def _get_hard_v(self, num_samples): h = sample_from_bernoulli( tf.constant( .5, shape=(num_samples, self.dim_h2v[0]), dtype=tf.float32)) v = sample_from_bernoulli(self.h2v(h)) return v.numpy() # for training def get_h_and_v(self, num_samples): z = sample_from_bernoulli( tf.constant( .5, shape=(num_samples, self.dim_z2h[0]), dtype=tf.float32)) h = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(self.z2h(z), self.temp, self.hard) v = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(self.h2v(h), self.temp, self.hard) return h, v # only for debugging, testing gumbel_softmax def _test_gumbel(self, num_samples=1): z = sample_from_bernoulli( tf.constant( .5, shape=(num_samples, self.dim_z2h[0]), dtype=tf.float32)) h_mu = self.z2h(z) h_hard = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(h_mu, self.temp, True) h_soft = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(h_mu, self.temp, False) print 'h_mu\n', h_mu, 'h_hard\n', h_hard, 'h_soft\n', h_soft v_mu = self.h2v(h_hard) v_hard = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(v_mu, self.temp, True) v_soft = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(v_mu, self.temp, False) print 'v_mu\n', v_mu, 'v_hard\n', v_hard, 'v_soft\n', v_soft v_mu = self.h2v(h_soft) v_hard = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(v_mu, self.temp, True) v_soft = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(v_mu, self.temp, False) print 'v_mu\n', v_mu, 'v_hard\n', v_hard, 'v_soft\n', v_soft exit() # exact ll when dim_z is small def logprob_v_and_h(self, h, v): assert (self.dim_z2h[0] <= 15) z_all = np.arange(2**self.dim_z2h[0], dtype=np.int32) z_all = ((z_all.reshape(-1, 1) & (2**np.arange(self.dim_z2h[0]))) != 0).astype(np.float32) z_all = tf.constant(z_all[:, ::-1], dtype=tf.float32) h_mu_all = self.z2h(z_all) logp_z_all = bernoulli_log_likelihood( z_all, tf.constant( .5, shape=(2**self.dim_z2h[0], self.dim_z2h[0]), dtype=tf.float32)) logp_h_given_z_all = bernoulli_log_likelihood( tf.expand_dims(h, 1), tf.expand_dims(h_mu_all, 0)) logp_h = tf.reduce_logsumexp( tf.expand_dims(logp_z_all, 0) + logp_h_given_z_all, axis=1) logp_v_given_h = bernoulli_log_likelihood(v, self.h2v(h)) return logp_v_given_h + logp_h def logprob_v_and_h_approx(self, h, v): h_mu = tf.reduce_mean(h, axis=0) logp_h = bernoulli_log_likelihood(h, h_mu) logp_v_given_h = bernoulli_log_likelihood(v, self.h2v(h)) return logp_v_given_h + logp_h def logprob_v_and_h_and_z(self, v, h, z): logp_z = bernoulli_log_likelihood( z, tf.constant(.5, shape=z.shape, dtype=tf.float32)) logp_h_given_z = bernoulli_log_likelihood(h, self.z2h(z)) logp_v_given_h = bernoulli_log_likelihood(v, self.h2v(h)) return logp_v_given_h + logp_h_given_z + logp_z # only for debugging, exact ll of 2 layer sbn def _logprob_v(self, h): assert (self.dim_h2v[0] <= 15) assert (self.has_h == False) z_all = np.arange(2**self.dim_h2v[0], dtype=np.int32) z_all = ((z_all.reshape(-1, 1) & (2**np.arange(self.dim_h2v[0]))) != 0).astype(np.float32) z_all = tf.constant(z_all[:, ::-1], dtype=tf.float32) h_mu_all = self.h2v(z_all) #print z_all.numpy().shape, h_mu_all.numpy().shape logp_z_all = bernoulli_log_likelihood( z_all, tf.constant( .5, shape=(2**self.dim_h2v[0], self.dim_h2v[0]), dtype=tf.float32)) #print logp_z_all.numpy().shape logp_h_given_z_all = bernoulli_log_likelihood( tf.expand_dims(h, 1), tf.expand_dims(h_mu_all, 0)) #print logp_h_given_z_all.numpy().shape logp_h = tf.reduce_logsumexp( tf.expand_dims(logp_z_all, 0) + logp_h_given_z_all, axis=1) return logp_h def params(self): return tuple(self.w_z2h + self.b_z2h + self.w_h2v + self.b_h2v) class MOB(): def __init__(self, dim, num, temp=.1, hard=False, train_pi=True): self.num = num self.dim = dim self.train_pi = train_pi if self.train_pi: self.pi_logits = tfe.Variable( tf.zeros([1, self.num]), dtype=tf.float32, name='dec.mob.pi_logits') else: self.pi_logits = tf.constant( .0, shape=[1, self.num], dtype=tf.float32) self.mus = tfe.Variable( tf.ones([self.num, self.dim]) * .5, dtype=tf.float32, name='dec.mob.mus') self.temp = temp self.hard = hard def logprobs(self, x): # log \sum_k pi_k p(x|mu_k) # log sum exp_k (log pi_k + log p(x|mu_k)) log_pi = self.pi_logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(self.pi_logits, axis=1) logp_x_given_mu_all = bernoulli_log_likelihood( tf.expand_dims(x, 1), tf.expand_dims(self.mus, 0)) return tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_pi + logp_x_given_mu_all, axis=1) def sample(self, num_samples): index = gumbel_softmax_sample( tf.tile(self.pi_logits, [num_samples, 1]), self.temp) sample_mus = tf.matmul(index, self.mus) return gumbel_sigmoid_sample(sample_mus, self.temp, self.hard) def params(self): if self.train_pi: return (self.pi_logits, self.mus) else: return (self.mus,) class MOBSBN(): def __init__(self, num_mixtures, dim_h2v, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False, train_pi=True): self.prior_h = MOB(dim_h2v[0], num_mixtures, temp, hard, train_pi) self.dim_h2v = dim_h2v self.w_h2v, self.b_h2v = [], [] assert len(self.dim_h2v) > 1 if activation_fn == tf.nn.relu: const = 1.0 else: const = 4.0 for d1, d2, i in zip(dim_h2v[:-1], dim_h2v[1:], xrange(1, len(self.dim_h2v))): self.w_h2v.append( tfe.Variable( tf_xavier_init(d1, d2, const=const), name='sbn.w_h2v.' + str(i))) self.b_h2v.append( tfe.Variable( tf.zeros([d2]), dtype=tf.float32, name='sbn.b_h2v.' + str(i))) self.activation_fn = activation_fn self.temp = temp self.hard = hard def h2v(self, h): v = h for w, b, i in zip(self.w_h2v, self.b_h2v, xrange(len(self.w_h2v))): v = tf.matmul(v, w) + b if i == len(self.w_h2v) - 1: v = tf.nn.sigmoid(v) else: v = self.activation_fn(v) return v # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): h = self.prior_h.sample(num_samples) v = sample_from_bernoulli(self.h2v(h)) return v.numpy() # for training def get_h_and_v(self, num_samples): h = self.prior_h.sample(num_samples) v = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(self.h2v(h), self.temp, self.hard) return h, v def logprob_v_and_h(self, h, v): logp_h = self.prior_h.logprobs(h) logp_v_given_h = bernoulli_log_likelihood(v, self.h2v(h)) return logp_v_given_h + logp_h def params(self): return self.prior_h.params() + tuple(self.w_h2v + self.b_h2v) class NADESBN(): def __init__(self, dim_z2h, dim_h2v, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False, train_pi=True): self.prior_h = NADE(dim_z2h[1], dim_z2h[0], temp) self.dim_h2v = dim_h2v self.w_h2v, self.b_h2v = [], [] if activation_fn == tf.nn.relu: const = 1.0 else: const = 4.0 assert len(self.dim_h2v) > 1 for d1, d2, i in zip(dim_h2v[:-1], dim_h2v[1:], xrange(1, len(self.dim_h2v))): self.w_h2v.append( tfe.Variable( tf_xavier_init(d1, d2, const=const), name='sbn.w_h2v.' + str(i))) self.b_h2v.append( tfe.Variable( tf.zeros([d2]), dtype=tf.float32, name='sbn.b_h2v.' + str(i))) self.activation_fn = activation_fn self.temp = temp self.hard = hard def h2v(self, h): v = h for w, b, i in zip(self.w_h2v, self.b_h2v, xrange(len(self.w_h2v))): v = tf.matmul(v, w) + b if i == len(self.w_h2v) - 1: v = tf.nn.sigmoid(v) else: v = self.activation_fn(v) return v def get_h(self, num_samples): h = self.prior_h.sample(num_samples) return h.numpy() # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): h = self.prior_h.sample(num_samples) v = sample_from_bernoulli(self.h2v(h)) return v.numpy() # for training def get_h_and_v(self, num_samples): h = self.prior_h.sample(num_samples) v = gumbel_sigmoid_sample(self.h2v(h), self.temp, self.hard) return h, v def logprob_v_and_h(self, h, v): logp_h = self.prior_h.logprobs(h) logp_v_given_h = bernoulli_log_likelihood(v, self.h2v(h)) return logp_v_given_h + logp_h def params(self): return self.prior_h.params() + tuple(self.w_h2v + self.b_h2v) class VAEDEC(): def __init__(self, dim_z2x, activation_fn=tf.nn.tanh, temp=.1, hard=False): self.dec_z2x = DEC( dim_z2x, name='z2x', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) self.z_dim = dim_z2x[0] # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): h2 = tf.random_normal((num_samples, self.z_dim)) h1 = self.dec_z2x.get_sample_hard(h2) return h1.numpy() def get_v_mean(self, num_samples): h2 = tf.random_normal((num_samples, self.z_dim)) h1 = self.dec_z2x.inference(h2) return h1.numpy() # for training def get_h1_v(self, num_samples): h2 = tf.random_normal((num_samples, self.z_dim)) h1 = self.dec_z2x.get_sample_soft(h2) return h2, h1 def log_prob(self, num_samples): h2 = tf.random_normal((num_samples, self.z_dim)) logp_h2 = tf.reduce_sum( -0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) - 0.5 * h2 * h2, axis=-1) logp_h1_given_h2, h1 = self.dec_z2x.log_conditional_prob(h2) return logp_h2 + logp_h1_given_h2, h2, h1 def get_v_tf(self, num_samples): h2 = tf.random_normal((num_samples, self.z_dim)) h1 = self.dec_z2x.get_sample_hard(h2) return h1 def log_cond_prob(self, z, x): logp_h1_given_h2 = self.dec_z2x.log_conditional_prob_given(z, x) return logp_h1_given_h2 def params(self): return self.dec_z2x.params() class NADE_q(): def __init__(self, num_dims, num_hidden, temp=.1, hard=False): self.nade = NADE(num_dims, num_hidden, temperature=temp, hard=hard) # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): return self.nade.sample(num_samples).numpy() def log_prob(self, num_samples): v = self.nade.sample(num_samples) logp_v = self.nade.logprobs(v) return logp_v, v def params(self): return self.nade.params() class VAEDEC_ZHV(): def __init__(self, dim_zh2, dims_h2h1, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False, train_pi=True): self.prior_h2 = VAEDEC( dim_zh2, activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) self.dec_h2h1 = DEC( dims_h2h1, name='h2h1', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) def get_h(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) return h2.numpy() # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_hard(h2) return h1.numpy() def get_v_mean(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.inference(h2) return h1.numpy() # for training def get_h1_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_soft(h2) return h2, h1 def log_prob_all(self, num_samples): logp_z_and_h2, z, h2 = self.prior_h2.log_prob(num_samples) logp_h1_given_h2, h1 = self.dec_h2h1.log_conditional_prob(h2) return logp_z_and_h2 + logp_h1_given_h2, z, h2, h1 def params(self): return self.prior_h2.params() + self.dec_h2h1.params() class VAEDEC_ZHVC(): def __init__(self, dim_zh2, dims_h2h1, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False, train_pi=True): self.prior_h2 = VAEDEC( dim_zh2, activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) self.dec_h2h1 = ENC_CONT( dims_h2h1, name='h2h1', activation_fn=activation_fn) def get_h(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) return h2.numpy() # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_h(h2) return h1.numpy() def get_v_mean(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) h1, _ = self.dec_h2h1.inference(h2) return h1.numpy() # for training def get_h1_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_h(h2) return h2, h1 def log_prob_all(self, num_samples): logp_z_and_h2, z, h2 = self.prior_h2.log_prob(num_samples) logp_h1_given_h2, h1 = self.dec_h2h1.log_conditional_prob(h2) return logp_z_and_h2 + logp_h1_given_h2, z, h2, h1 def params(self): return self.prior_h2.params() + self.dec_h2h1.params() class VAEDEC_ZHV2(): def __init__(self, dim_zh2, dims_h2h1, dims_h1v, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, temp=.1, hard=False, train_pi=True): self.prior_h2 = VAEDEC( dim_zh2, activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) self.dec_h2h1 = DEC( dims_h2h1, name='h2h1', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) self.dec_h1v = DEC( dims_h1v, name='h1v', activation_fn=activation_fn, temp=temp, hard=hard) def get_h(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) return h2.numpy() # for visualization def get_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_hard(h2) v = self.dec_h1v.get_sample_hard(h1) return v.numpy() def get_v_mean(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.get_v_tf(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.inference(h2) v = self.dec_h1v.inference(h1) return v.numpy() # for training def get_h2_h1_v(self, num_samples): h2 = self.prior_h2.sample(num_samples) h1 = self.dec_h2h1.get_sample_soft(h2) v = self.dec_h1v.get_sample_soft(h1) return h2, h1, v def log_prob_all(self, num_samples): logp_z_and_h2, z, h2 = self.prior_h2.log_prob(num_samples) logp_h1_given_h2, h1 = self.dec_h2h1.log_conditional_prob(h2) logp_v_given_h1, v = self.dec_h1v.log_conditional_prob(h1) return logp_v_given_h1 + logp_z_and_h2 + logp_h1_given_h2, z, h2, h1, v def params(self): return self.prior_h2.params() + self.dec_h2h1.params() + self.dec_h1v.params()