> Dependencies - tensorflow-gpu 1.8.0 - numpy 1.14.5 - scikit-learn 0.19.1 - scipy 0.17.1 - h5py 2.9.0 - matplotlib 1.5.3 > Datasets - The file to download the digit dataset and frey face dataset are included in the code. - For the UCI datasets, please manually download the mushrooms and web datasets from the code of the MADE paper: https://github.com/mgermain/MADE and others from the code of the RWS paper: https://github.com/jbornschein/reweighted-ws > Results - For analysis: python avil_rbm_discz_digit.py - For RBM results: python avil_rbm_contz_ucibinary.py and python cd_rbm_ucibinary.py - For NVIL results: see the code of the original paper: https://github.com/kuleshov/neural-variational-inference - For DBM results: python avil_dbm_contz_ucibinary.py and python vcd_dbm_ucibinary.py - For GRBM results: python avil_grbm_freyface.py