import numpy as np from itertools import count import random import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim import torch.autograd as autograd from torch.autograd import Variable from torch.nn import init from torch.nn import DataParallel from import DataLoader import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation import seaborn as sns from IPython.display import HTML import pretrain from pretrain import * import pandas as pd import navigation2 from navigation2 import * import sklearn from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import r2_score import scipy from scipy.spatial import distance from scipy import signal # attention to noise level, here corresponed to pretraining , so set noise to 1 def trajectory(game, pos0, reward_control = 0, init_hidden = True, hidden = torch.zeros(512, 512), size = 19, test = 2, epsilon = 0, limit_set = 8): game.reset(set_agent = pos0, reward_control = reward_control, size = size, limit_set = limit_set, test = test) done = False if init_hidden == True: game.hidden = else: game.hidden = hidden.clone() hidden0 = game.hidden.clone() Hidden = [] dH = [] Action = [] State = [] Pos = [] Pos.append(game.agent.pos) for i in range(limit_set * game.grid_size[0]): pos0, state, reward, done = game.step(game.maxplay, epsilon = epsilon, test=True) # Down Hidden.append( dH.append(torch.norm(game.hidden - hidden0)) Pos.append(game.agent.pos) Action.append(np.argmax( State.append(state) hidden0 = game.hidden.clone() return Pos, np.array(Hidden), np.array(dH), np.array(Action), np.array(State), reward def trajectory_empty(pos0, game, Stim, reward_control = 0, action_ = [], e = 0, open_loop = True, init_hidden = True, hidden = torch.zeros(512, 512), context = torch.zeros(1, 38)): game.reset(reward_control = reward_control, size = 15) done = False if init_hidden == True: game.hidden = else: game.hidden = hidden.clone() game.action = torch.zeros(1, 4) Hidden = [] Action = [] Y = [] X = [] dH = [] hidden0 = game.hidden.clone() game.agent.pos = pos0 stim = game.visible_state # print (game.visible_state) y, x = 0, 0 action = action_ for stim in Stim: if open_loop == True: action = game.step_empty(stim = stim, action_ = action_, epsilon = e, open_loop = open_loop, context = context) # Down else: action = game.step_empty(stim = stim, action_ = action, epsilon = e, open_loop = open_loop, context = context) # Down # up if action == 0: y -= 1 # right elif action == 1: x += 1 # down elif action == 2: y += 1 # left elif action == 3: x -= 1 game.agent.pos = (y, x) Y.append(game.agent.pos[0]) X.append(game.agent.pos[1]) Hidden.append(game.hidden.clone().data.numpy().squeeze()) # need copy , avoid same adress dH.append(torch.norm(game.hidden - hidden0)) Action.append(action) hidden0 = game.hidden.clone() dH = [ for dh in dH] return (np.array(Y), np.array(X)), np.array(Hidden), np.array(dH), np.array(Action) def trajectory_room(pos0, game, T_total = 50, reward_control = 0, epsilon = 0, start = []): game.reset(set_agent = (start[0], start[1]), reward_control = reward_control, size = game.size) done = False game.hidden = game.action = torch.zeros(1, 4) Hidden = [] Action = [] Pos = [] dH = [] hidden0 = game.hidden.clone() game.agent.pos = pos0 game.grid.grid[2:game.size + 2, 2:game.size + 2] = 0 for i in range(T_total): pos0, state, reward, done = game.step(game.maxplay, epsilon = epsilon, test=True) Pos.append(game.agent.pos) Hidden.append(game.hidden.clone().data.numpy().squeeze()) # need copy , avoid same adress dH.append(torch.norm(game.hidden - hidden0)) Action.append(np.argmax( hidden0 = game.hidden.clone() dH = [ for dh in dH] return Pos, np.array(Hidden), np.array(dH), np.array(Action) class PCA(): def __init__(self, weight, size = 15, reward_control = 0, epsilon = 1): self.epsilon = epsilon self.reward_control = reward_control self.weight = weight = ValueMaxGame(grid_size = (size, size), holes = 0, random_seed = 4 , set_reward = [(0.5, 0.25), (0.5, 0.75)], input_type = 0, action_control = 1, discount = 0.9, alpha = 1, time_limit=100, lam = 0.5) # record hidden activity, attention take test = true def record(self, T_duration = 50): self.Hiddens = np.zeros((225, 50, 512)) for j in range (2,17): for i in range (2,17): = (j,i), reward_control = self.reward_control, size = 15) done = False = for t in range(T_duration): pos0, state, reward, done =, epsilon = self.epsilon, test = True) # Down self.Hiddens[(j-2) * 15 + (i-2), t] = ( if done == True: = self.reward_control, size = 15) done = False # put every row(time) together into one long trajectory, which means concatenation along rows - number of neurons def pca(self, T_duration = 50): self.record(T_duration = T_duration) Trajectory = self.Hiddens.reshape(225 * 50, 512) # take correlation out def minus(a): return (a - a.mean())/(a.std() + 1e-5) # standarlization along columns which is one specific neural activity trace for all time activity = np.apply_along_axis(minus, 1, Trajectory) cov = activity.T@activity # take eign vector and values self.vals, self.vect = np.linalg.eig(cov) def Dynamics(self, T_total = 200, T_stim = 100, T_duration = 60, Hiddens = [], noise = 2, iters = 4, Actions = [2, 0, 1, 3], e = 0, same = True, legend = False, corner = False, open_loop = True, readout_random = False, h2o = 1, context = torch.zeros(1, 38)) : self.Attractors = [] self.Timescale = [] self.Trajectory = [] self.Ys = np.zeros((4, len(Actions), T_total - T_stim)) self.Xs = np.zeros((4, len(Actions), T_total - T_stim)) self.Actions = np.zeros((4, len(Actions), T_total - T_stim)) self.PCs = np.zeros((4, len(Actions), T_total)) self.Hiddens = np.zeros((4, len(Actions), T_total - T_stim, 512)) # take pca for specific game self.Ts = [] # like starting for different position pos_dict = [('up',(2,9)), ('down', (16,9)), ('left', (9,2)), ('right',(9,16))] colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c'] k = 0 # control open loop or not , if open loop false, initialize a h2o with proper gain if readout_random == True and open_loop == False: = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(512, 4) * h2o * np.sqrt(2.0/(512+4))) # all stimulu actions pairs by two loops for iters1, pos in enumerate(pos_dict): pos0 = pos[1] Stim1 = T_stim * [torch.zeros(9)] Stim2 = T_duration * [torch.FloatTensor(] Stim3 = (T_total - (T_duration + T_stim)) * [torch.zeros(9)] self.Stim = torch.stack(Stim1 + Stim2 + Stim3).view(-1, 9) for (iters2, action) in enumerate(Actions): # trace in empty room Pos1, hidden1, dh1, actions = trajectory_empty(pos0,, self.Stim, action_ = action, e = e, open_loop = open_loop, context = context) T_transient = np.sum(dh1[T_stim:]>1e-1) self.Ts.append(T_transient) self.PC_traces = self.vect[:5] @ hidden1.T self.PCs[iters1, iters2, :] = self.PC_traces[0, :].copy() # record the hidden activity after stimulus self.Hiddens[iters1, iters2, :, :] = hidden1[T_stim:, :] # time threshold to assign limit cycle, take it for pwd if T_transient > T_total - T_stim - 1: self.Trajectory.append(self.PC_traces[0][100:]) self.Ys[iters1, iters2] = Pos1[0][T_stim:] self.Xs[iters1, iters2] = Pos1[1][T_stim:] self.Actions[iters1, iters2] = actions[T_stim:] def Dynamics_2clicks(self, T_total = 200, T_stim1 = [20, 3], T_stim2 = [20, 3], wall2 = -1, Hiddens = [], noise = 2, iters = 4, context = torch.zeros(1, 38), action = [0], e = 0, same = True, legend = False, corner = False, open_loop = True, readout_random = False, h2o = 1) : self.Attractors = [] self.Timescale = [] self.Trajectory = [] self.Positions = [] self.PCs = np.zeros((4, T_total)) # take pca for specific game self.Ts = [] # like starting for different position pos_dict = [('up',(2,9)), ('down', (16,9)), ('left', (9,2)), ('right',(9,16))] k = 0 # control open loop or not , if open loop false, initialize a h2o with proper gain if readout_random == True and open_loop == False: = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(512, 4) * h2o * np.sqrt(2.0/(512+4))) # all stimulu actions pairs by two loops for (iters1, pos1) in enumerate(pos_dict): pos1_ = pos1[1] if wall2 == -1: pos2_ = pos1[1] else: pos2_ = pos_dict[wall2][1] Stim1 = T_stim1[0] * [torch.zeros(9)] + T_stim1[1] *[torch.FloatTensor(] Stim2 = T_stim2[0] * [torch.zeros(9)] + T_stim2[1] *[torch.FloatTensor(] Stim3 = (T_total - (T_stim1[0] + T_stim1[1] + T_stim2[0] + T_stim2[1])) * [torch.zeros(9)] self.Stim = torch.stack(Stim1 + Stim2 + Stim3) # trace in empty room Pos1, hidden1, dh1, actions = trajectory_empty(pos1_,, self.Stim, action_ = action, e = e, open_loop = open_loop, context = context) # T_transient = np.sum(dh1[T_stim:]>1e-1) # self.Ts.append(T_transient) self.PC_traces = self.vect[:5] @ hidden1.T self.PCs[iters1, :] = self.PC_traces[0, :].copy() # time threshold to assign limit cycle, take it for pwd # if T_transient > T_total - T_stim - 1: # self.Trajectory.append(self.PC_traces[0][100:]) self.Positions.append(Pos1) # take the final value of h for mulitple stability self.Attractors.append(self.PC_traces[:5, -1]) self.Attractors = np.array(self.Attractors) ## here we need to define a empty room, the network can inside the room with certian feedback given by Wih def Dynamics_room(self, T_total = 200, Hiddens = [], iters = 4, e = 0, readout_random = True, h2o = 1, starts = []): self.Attractors = [] self.Timescale = [] self.Trajectory = [] self.Positions = [] self.PCs = np.zeros((len(starts), T_total)) # take pca for specific game self.Ts = [] # like starting for different position pos_dict = [('up',(2,9)), ('down', (16,9)), ('left', (9,2)), ('right',(9,16)), ('empty', (5, 5))] colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c'] k = 0 # control open loop or not , if open loop false, initialize a h2o with proper gain if readout_random == True: = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(512, 4) * h2o * np.sqrt(2.0/(512+4))) # all stimulu actions pairs by two loops for iters, start in enumerate(starts): pos0 = start # trace in empty room Pos1, hidden1, dh1, actions = trajectory_room(pos0,, T_total = T_total, reward_control = 0, epsilon = 0, start = start) # T_transient = np.sum(dh1[T_stim:]>1e-1) # self.Ts.append(T_transient) self.PC_traces = self.vect[:5] @ hidden1.T self.PCs[iters, :] = self.PC_traces[0, :].copy() # time threshold to assign limit cycle, take it for pwd # if T_transient > T_total - T_stim - 1: # self.Trajectory.append(self.PC_traces[0][100:]) self.Positions.append(Pos1) # take the final value of h for mulitple stability # self.Attractors.append(self.PC_traces[:5, -1]) def variance_decompose(pca, T, open_loop = True, alpha = 1e-4): Actions = np.zeros((pca.Hiddens.shape[0], pca.Hiddens.shape[1], T)) Y = np.ones((pca.Hiddens.shape[0], pca.Hiddens.shape[1], T)) X = np.ones((pca.Hiddens.shape[0], pca.Hiddens.shape[1], T)) Stims = np.ones((pca.Hiddens.shape[0], pca.Hiddens.shape[1], T)) colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'm'] for i in range(pca.Hiddens.shape[0]): for j in range(pca.Hiddens.shape[1]): if open_loop == False: Actions[i, j] = pca.Actions[i, j, :T] else: Actions[i, j] = j Stims[i, j] = i Y[i, j] = pca.Ys[i, j, :T] X[i, j] = pca.Xs[i, j, :T] x = pca.Hiddens[:, :, :T, :].reshape(-1, 512) z = (x - np.min(x))/(np.max(x) - np.min(x)) y = np.log(z/(1-z + 1e-3) + 1e-3) ## features: A = np.array([np.eye(4)[int(a)] for a in Actions.reshape(-1)]).reshape(-1, 4) S = np.array([np.eye(4)[int(s)] for s in Stims.reshape(-1)]).reshape(-1, 4) Y = Y.reshape(-1, 1)/np.max(np.abs(Y)) X = X.reshape(-1, 1)/np.max(np.abs(X)) Features = np.concatenate((A, S, Y, X), axis = 1) Features_A = np.concatenate((S, Y, X), axis = 1) Features_S = np.concatenate((A, Y, X), axis = 1) Features_Y = np.concatenate((A, S, X), axis = 1) Features_X = np.concatenate((A, S, Y), axis = 1) clf1 = Lasso(alpha = alpha), y) y_pred = clf1.predict(Features) Importances = [] importances = [] for feature in [Features_A, Features_S, Features_Y, Features_X]: clf = Lasso(alpha= alpha), y) y_pred_i = clf.predict(feature) # print (r2_score(y, y_pred_i), r2_score(y, y_pred)) importances.append(r2_score(y, y_pred) - r2_score(y, y_pred_i)) Importance = [] for i in range(512): dif = r2_score(y[:, i], y_pred[:, i]) - r2_score(y[:, i], y_pred_i[:, i]) if dif<0: dif = 0 Importance.append(dif) Importances.append(Importance) return importances def Memory(weight, k_action = 1, k_stim = 1, k_internal = 1, epsilon = 1, context_gain = 1, num_trials = 10): # reference from net 1 def placefield(pos): field =np.zeros((2, 19)) for k in range(2): for i in range(field.shape[1]): # distance generation pos_relative = pos[k] field[k, i] = (i- pos_relative) ** 2 field = - 0.1 * torch.from_numpy(field).resize(1, 2 * 19).float() return field Info_P = np.zeros(8) Info_I = np.zeros(8) Info_A = np.zeros(8) pca = PCA(weight = weight) pca.pca(T_duration = 3) = k_action = k_internal = k_stim for pos_reward in [(9, 5), (9, 13)]: context = context_gain * placefield(pos_reward) pca.Dynamics(Actions = num_trials * [0], legend = True, T_total = 200, T_stim = 30, T_duration = 3, \ readout_random = True, open_loop = False, e = epsilon, context = context) for i in range(8): T = 20 + i * 20 importances = variance_decompose(pca, T, open_loop=False) Info_A[i] += importances[0] Info_I[i] += importances[1] Info_P[i] += importances[2] + importances[3] Info_A = Info_A/2 Info_P = Info_P/2 Info_I = Info_I/2 print (np.mean(Info_A), np.mean(Info_I), np.mean(Info_P)) return Info_A, Info_I, Info_P