import numpy as np from itertools import count import random import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim import torch.autograd as autograd from torch.autograd import Variable from torch.nn import init from torch.nn import DataParallel from import DataLoader import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation import seaborn as sns from IPython.display import HTML import pretrain from pretrain import * import navigation2 from navigation2 import * import Nets from Nets import * import sklearn from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.manifold import Isomap from sklearn.manifold import SpectralEmbedding from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso from sklearn.metrics import r2_score import scipy from scipy.spatial import distance from scipy import signal # Put the stimulus memory(status) and action base for memory and navigation def Transform(States, Poss, Hiddens, Actions, Context, history = False, size = 15): # last click state Status = np.concatenate([State_transform(state, poss, size) for state, poss in zip(States, Poss)]) Hiddens = np.concatenate(Hiddens) Poss = np.concatenate(Poss) Actions = np.concatenate(Actions) Context = np.concatenate(Context) # transform state to stim  States = np.concatenate(States) # transform status to memory Memory = history_summary(Status) set_ = set([tuple(s) for s in States]) dict_ = {} for i, s in enumerate(set_): dict_.update({s:i}) Stim = [dict_[tuple(s)] for s in States] set_ = set([tuple(m) for m in Memory]) # dict_ = {} # for i, m in enumerate(set_): # dict_.update({m:i}) # Mem = [dict_[tuple(m)] for m in Memory] if history == False: return States, Poss, Hiddens, Actions, Status, Context else: return States, Poss, Hiddens, Actions, Status, Context, Memory # histroy memory of two def history_summary(Status): # S = [p[0] for s, p in zip(State, Poss)] M = np.zeros((len(Status), 2)) m2 = 0 for i, (s1, s2) in enumerate(zip(Status[:-1], Status[1:])): # if next clicks changes, then store this click as a memory value registed in m2 if s2 != s1: m2 = s1 # sore memory, m0 as memory of stimulus, m1 as memory of second click M[i+1, 0] = s2 M[i+1, 1] = m2 # print (s1) return M # State_transform() # def Transform(States, Poss, Hiddens, Actions, Context): # Status = np.concatenate([State_transform(state, poss) for state, poss in zip(States, Poss)]) # Hiddens = np.concatenate(Hiddens) # Poss = np.concatenate(Poss) # Actions = np.concatenate(Actions) # Context = np.concatenate(Context) # # transform state to stim  # States = np.concatenate(States) # return States, Poss, Hiddens, Actions, Status, Context # transform to time section def Stage_transform(State): S = np.cumsum([np.sum(s1 != s2) for (s1, s2) in zip(State[:-1], State[1:])] + [1]) return S # transform to space section def wall_detection(pos, size): if pos[0] == 2: Stim = 1 elif pos[0] == 2 + size - 1: Stim = 2 elif pos[1] == 2: Stim = 3 elif pos[1] == 2 + size - 1: Stim = 4 else: Stim = 0 return Stim # for the memory feature, a Msimple one is just the last click, a most complicate one should be click sequence def State_transform(State, Poss, size): # S = [p[0] for s, p in zip(State, Poss)] S = [wall_detection(pos, size) for pos in Poss] Status = [] s1 = 0 for s in S: if s != 0: s1 = s # print (s1) Status.append(s1) return Status # histroy memory of two def history_summary(Status): # S = [p[0] for s, p in zip(State, Poss)] M = np.zeros((len(Status), 2)) m2 = 0 for i, (s1, s2) in enumerate(zip(Status[:-1], Status[1:])): # if next clicks changes, then store this click as a memory value registed in m2 if s2 != s1: m2 = s1 # sore memory, m0 as memory of stimulus, m1 as memory of second click M[i+1, 0] = s2 M[i+1, 1] = m2 # print (s1) return M def Feature_preprocessing(States, Poss, Hiddens, Actions, Context, size = 15): States, Poss, Hiddens, Actions, Status, Context = Transform(States, Poss, Hiddens, Actions, Context) x = Hiddens[:, :512] z = (x - np.min(x))/(np.max(x) - np.min(x)) y = np.log(z/(1-z + 1e-3) + 1e-3) A = np.array([np.eye(4)[a] for a in Actions]).reshape(-1, 4) Y = np.array([np.eye(size)[y] for y in Poss[:,0] -2]).reshape(-1, size) X = np.array([np.eye(size)[x] for x in Poss[:,1] - 2]).reshape(-1, size) M = np.array([np.eye(5)[s] for s in Status]).reshape(-1, 5) S = States.reshape(-1, 9) C = np.array(Context).reshape(-1, 1) # S_wall = np.array([np.eye(27)[s] for s in Stim_wall]).reshape(-1, 27) Features = np.concatenate((A, Y, X, M, S, C), axis = 1) Features_A = np.concatenate((Y, X, M, S, C), axis = 1) Features_Y = np.concatenate((A, X, M, S, C), axis = 1) Features_X = np.concatenate((A, Y, M, S, C), axis = 1) Features_M = np.concatenate((A, Y, X, S, C), axis = 1) Features_S = np.concatenate((A, Y, X, M, C), axis = 1) Features_C = np.concatenate((A, Y, X, M, S), axis = 1) return y, Features, Features_A, Features_Y, Features_X, Features_M, Features_S, Features_C # State_transform() # record sessions 100 for 2 different context, record the relevant variables def Data_record(weight, k_action = 1, epsilon = 0, size = 15, T = 200, seed_num = 1e3): PC_traces = [] Hiddens = [] Poss = [] Actions = [] States = [] Context = [] for i in range(T): torch.manual_seed(np.random.randint(seed_num)) hidden0 = torch.randn(1, 512) c = np.random.randint(2) start = (np.random.randint(2, size +2), np.random.randint(2, size+2)) game = ValueMaxGame(grid_size = (size, size), holes = 0, random_seed = 0 , set_reward = [(0.5, 0.25), (0.5, 0.75)], input_type = 0, discount = 0.9, alpha = 1 ,lam = 0) = k_action grid = game.grid.grid.copy() Pos, hidden, dh, Action, State, reward = trajectory(game, start, reward_control = c, size = size, \ test = 0, limit_set = 4, init_hidden = False, hidden = hidden0, epsilon = epsilon) Hiddens.append(hidden) Poss.append(Pos[1:]) Actions.append(Action) States.append(State) Context.append(c * np.ones(len(State))) return States, Poss, Hiddens, Actions, Context